Our Ultimate Goal: Serving Your Needs
- General Contractor Services
- New Home Construction
- Steel Building Construction
- Residential Remodeling
- Custom Log Work
- All Concrete Work
- ICF Construction (Insulated Concrete Forms)
- Light Commercial Construction
- Log Home Construction
- Roofing
Planning Process
$3,000 starts the most complete planning process in the construction industry. The planning stage is the most critical area of the whole building process. Attention to detail at this stage greatly affects how satisfied you will be at completion. Here is a list of the services and benefits that you will enjoy as we move through the project:
Consultation with our knowledgeable design staff in designing your home.
JR Construction can help you locate the best building location on your site, and if required, draw your site plan.
JR Construction will order energy calculations and engineering specifications, if required by local building authorities, and apply for your building permits and variances. While these fees are your responsibility, in most instances you will not need to take time off work to attend meetings or fill out paperwork.
We will order detailed pricing for any subs you need for the project. These include: site clearing, excavating, septic system, well, foundation and other masonry work, electrical, plumbing, heating, and interior finish.
To help you plan your budget and obtain financing, we have several lenders that we work closely with that provide excellent service and terrific rates.
We will design and provide up to 10 preliminary plans and 6 sets of the final prints. This also includes a 3-dimensional view.
Once the design and planning process is complete, we will insert you into our construction schedule and you are ready to build! We want this planning process to be effective, efficient, and thorough. Your dreams will become reality as we take your thoughts, put them on paper, and bring them to life as your new home.
P.S. Did we mention that your $3,000 gets applied toward material costs once the project gets underway? This means our design and planning service ends up being ... ABSOLUTELY FREE!!